So…you’ve probably heard we’re in the middle of a pandemic. To say these are unprecedented times (at least in our lifetime), is an understatement. I’ve seen panicking, hoarding (TP and salsa. Really??), fear mongering, and MANY MANY articles and posts touting misinformation while mixed in with good info.
Other things I’ve observed? When Chris and I are out walking, people are everywhere (maintaining social distancing) and everyone says hi or waves. WHAT?? Omg. People are actually being friendly! I’ve always been one to smile and say hi when I pass someone while walking. Sometimes they’d say it back but many times, not so much.
I’ve seen most of are acts of selflessness, kindness and humility. A friend of mine organized a food drive of sorts. Packs food up and distributes it. Many folks, due to the lack of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE’s), are sewing masks for clinics and hospitals and other front-line people (THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU!!!).
Facebook which had become a breeding ground for nastiness and keyboard warriors, seems (at least for the moment) to have reverted back to humorous posts, people laughing – sometimes inappropriately (but…..really, who cares?) and posts of folks being creative in their time.
Speaking of being creative with time…I recently was furloughed from my new job. It’s temporary and I am SO thankful I have a job to go back to when we’re allowed. But…I’ve had to start thinking about things to keep me busy. I can only clean so much. I’ve been trying to work out consistently (just did a zoom workout with a friend in Mexico this morning!), Chris and I have been gardening on the weekends, long walks in the evenings and cooking a lot. I had forgotten how much I like to cook. OK the reality there is, once I didn’t have to commute 90+ minutes each way anymore I started cooking again.
I plan to write when the ideas hit me (like now), bust out my canvas and paint (no, won’t be posting ANY of them anywhere) and practice more with my camera. Oh and I absolutely plan on sitting on my ass being lazy and watching way too much tv. I mean, isn’t that what Netflix, HULU, Disney+, HBO, Starz etc…are all for??
All of you with kids – my heart goes out to you. You are amazing. Trying to keep kiddos occupied, up to speed with online learning and not lose your mind…my hat is off to you. This is where humor and love come in real handy. Actually…..for all of us.
Stay safe and well everyone. We shall weather this storm. oh…and WASH YOUR DAMN HANDS!!! Much love to you all.