Dear God, the Universe, Mother Nature, the Great Spirit, etc….,
On behalf of humans everywhere, I’d respectfully like to request a refund on the year 2020. You see it has not delivered as advertised. Everyone thought it would be a normal to awesome year. Instead what we’ve received is: an almost war; a pandemic; race riots; massive wildfires (there are others but you get the idea) – all of which lead to confusion, lies, deception, job losses, unemployment levels not seen since the Great Depression, people dying alone, massive quarantines (which have actually sorta worked.. in other places), cities burning, Federal “guards” supposedly deployed to “protect” some cities, economic collapse and keyboard warriors who feel “free” to bully anyone and everyone who doesn’t agree with their narrative. Conspiracy theories have run rampant. It also seems as though humanity is split in two – those who are trying to be decent humans and those who are selfish and couldn’t seem to care less about others.
There HAVE been good things as well (for which we don’t want refunds, thank you very much). Friends and families have figured out ways to keep each other sane (ish) by social distancing visits, zoom, webEx and other types of video conferences. I see more people out walking than ever before. Support for local restaurants has continued with take-out and delivery.
Personally, I’ve been furloughed since April 6th…after being on my new job (which I LOVE) for just 6 weeks. At first I was pretty bummed about it. But I started looking at my time off as a trial run on retirement. Exercise, good friends, my sweet hubby, our dogs and sunrises have (for the most part) kept my spirits up. There are most definitely dark days had though. For what we are all going through, I think that’s normal…and expected.
This sadly is not the same for many others. We don’t have children in the house – I can’t even imagine the stress and fear so many families have with school uncertainties, trying to keep kiddos occupied (and not kill their siblings) and keep them safe.
I keep hearing “when things get back to normal….” but, what will normal look like? I believe that what we considered normal (and let’s face it, we all have different definitions of that word), has changed. Work will have changed to more folks telecommuting than ever before. Families and friends will (hopefully) take less for granted and be more grateful.
So I guess I should rephrase my original request – respectfully, we’d like a partial refund by stopping the madness. Stopping rampant hatred and bullying. Stop inequality and inequities.
Respectfully, on behalf of the human race,
I adore you. Incredibly well said. Cheers. To 2021. And beyond.
Thank you! but…who is this? you posted anonymously! lol!! 🙂
We were just talking about this when we woke. It’s our time to look around and reset a new home life. Now to figure out what that looks like.
I think that’s what we’ll all be doing Peggy. Figuring this out as we go. At this point, even in the darkest points, I’m trying to remain hopeful. You and Steve stay well and happy!! xoxo